Other Prepared Dishes

Fried fish with sauce, Puerto Rican style (Pescado frito con mojo)
322 calories, 21.3g fat
per slice (4\" x 3-1/2\" x 1/2\") with sauce (7.5 oz)
Mojo isleno
322 calories, 21.3g fat
per slice (4\" x 3-1/2\" x 1/2\") with sauce (7.5 oz)
Lobster with sauce, Puerto Rican style (Langosta a la criolla)
382 calories, 24.7g fat
per cup (8.5 oz)
Chow mein or chop suey, no noodles
180 calories, 5.5g fat
per cup (7.8 oz)
Lau lau (pork and fish wrapped in taro or spinach leaves)
238 calories, 13.6g fat
per lau lau (7.5 oz)
Antipasto with ham, fish, cheese, vegetables
178 calories, 11.6g fat
per cup (4.1 oz)
Livers, chicken, chopped, with eggs and onion (mixture)
470 calories, 36.8g fat
per cup (7.3 oz)
Liver, beef or calves, and onions
184 calories, 5.2g fat
per slice with onions (5 oz)
Stewed chitterlings, Puerto Rican style (cuajo guisado)
509 calories, 43.9g fat
per cup (8.5 oz)